Sikkim flora and fauna

Sikkim flora and fauna

Due to the altitude that varies from sea level to summits that touch the skies, the flora and fauna naturally covers a wide spectrum. Nowhere in the world in such a small area can one find flora and fauna of all varieties - Tropical to the Alpines. Sikkim's botanical and zoological richness is awe-inspiring, boasting of more than 4000 species of plants and 30% of all the birds found in the Indian sub-continent. No wonder Sikkim has been a dream of naturalists. Dr. J. Hooker during the middle of the last century surveyed in the detail the botanical wealth in Sikkim and his findings were embodied in the 'Himalayan Journal'.

Flora in Sikkim

The tropical from almost sea level to about 5000 feet, the temperate from 5000 to 11000 feet and the alpine above 11000 feet. Till 10000 feet, there are terraced farmlands in which the rice, maize, barley and millet are grown. Cardamoms, oranges, apples, potatoes and ginger are grown in abundance in the state.  

The lower altitudes towards the south harbour jungle cats, Mongoose, House sparrows. The jungles in the south, are teeming with plantains, bamboos, tree ferns, walnut, sal and oak. Orchids also abound in areas with moderate altitudes. They are the pride of Sikkim and are about 600 species. They come in a wide variety of colours and sizes. The most popular orchids of Sikkim are Cymbidiums, Vanda, Cattaleya, Hookeriana, Farmeri, Dendrobium Amoenum. The Nobile Orchid has been declared as the State Flower of Sikkim.

Fauna in Sikkim

The diversity in the plant world is complemented by a similar variety in the animal kingdom. Amongst the mammals of Sikkim are the rare Snow Leopard, Himalayan Black Bear, Red panda, Musk Deer, Blue Sheep, Shapi, Common Langur, Leopard Cat, and the Flying Squirrel.


Shapi is a rare animal that inhabits the alpine region. It was discovered only in 1938 by a German doctor Ernest Schalfer. The Shapi has the size of a mountain goat and has a long white mane. The Shapi is an endangered animal which is on the verge of becoming extinct.

Red panda:-

Among the more exotic mammals is the Red Panda which lives mostly on treetops. It is found at altitudes ranging from 6,000 to 12,000 feet. It has been declared as the State Animal of Sikkim. It is about 2 feet in length when full grown and belongs to the racoon family. It feeds mostly on bamboo leaves.

Himalayan bear:-

These are found roaming in the temperate forest of Sikkim. They feed on corn, wild plants, honey and can sometime grow to enormous sizes.  

Snow leopard:-

The snow leopard is an almost mythical animal. It has rarely been sighted and to date, only two field zoologists have succeeded in photographing this elusive animal in its habitat which can vary from 5,000 feet to as high as 18,000 feet.


Among the more commonly found animals in the alpine zone are yaks. Yaks belong to the cattle family and can survive only at altitudes above 10000 feet. They survive on alpine shrubs and can go without food for days together. Due to the long and thick hair that grows on its flanks, legs and tail and its thick hide, yaks can comfortably sleep and rest in the snow. Yaks forage on their own and do not require grooming, stabling and care as required by other domesticated animals.

Stay tuned for more information regarding  nature and wildlife of Sikkim

~Thank you


  1. Wow! So informative as well as interactive.. Great effort bro!!

  2. Great work buudy. Keep posting blogs. Waiting for your other three blogs.
    Informative as well as interesting.
    Good photo selection. 😂

  3. It appears to be an extraordinary spot to visit.


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